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Give Him 15 for 07/29/2024

After a challenging two weeks, I’m sure you could use some good news. Words from the Lord like the following, released by my brother, Tim, remind us of the outcome of our battle. They keep our eyes focused on the prize. Be encouraged by Tim’s words today. Our title:

Power Eruptions

I believe we have now entered into the most supernatural era Holy Spirit has ever brought to pass, and the Ekklesia has been prepared to function in her greatest authority ever to accomplish the Godhead’s plans. We are in a season pregnant with the promises of God, and it is time to birth those promises through prayers and decrees of faith. The water has broken on hundreds of prophetic promises, and it is time to push.  

I want to share with you a prophetic word and vision Holy Spirit is highlighting to me during this time. I feel compelled to have the Ekklesia declare ‘Now Be’ to the following words: 

February 15, 2021: “The new era I have planned will now be established in supernatural displays of My dunamis.(1) Holy Spirit's power will be activated on the earth in greater measure and with sudden surges of His mightiness. My people will experience and live in sudden breakthroughs. Long-standing battles will end in sudden victory. I have planned the release of millions of sudden personal victories for My remnant to validate the new, greater glory, apostolic age. I will confirm it with signs, wonders, and miracles. Personal breakthroughs for My faithful warriors will surge and deliver them. I will validate the expansion of My Kingdom's Ekklesia on the earth with displays of My right hand of power, enabling it to see victories over opposition from both natural and spiritual governments.

Supernatural reversals are planned and will activate, resulting in God-victories for My Ekklesia. My Ekklesia will report that God-victories are happening everywhere. This will be clear, visible, and irrefutable validation. I will confirm what I say. Sudden surprise attacks are planned against the enemies of My people and My church. Angel armies I command have set traps I have approved. The traps will be sprung in the spirit realm and affect the natural realm. Startled cries will come from demonic thrones. Cries of anguish will rise from fortified positions of demons. They are not fortified enough, says the Lord. Their resistance to Me will suddenly implode as My power explodes. 

My angels will work the explosions through My Ekklesia’s decrees of governance. The Lord of Hosts decrees that you are moving into the days of My power, power that will validate who I am and who My sons and daughters are. This power will validate the church I am building. You’re moving into a new era of Pentecost that will validate the second apostolic age. I have planned for its mighty surge, not from an upper room in Jerusalem this time, but rather from thousands of upper rooms in the nations of the world. This surge will accelerate the power principles of My New Testament Church, the power ministry of My heirs, and the powerful assistance of My angel armies. 

I have sent angel army divisions to assist the Holy Spirit in validating the Kingdom of God on the earth, drawing multitudes in the valley of decision to Me. These armies are now on the front lines, says the Lord. My heirs will raise My rod of authority in nations, disciple them through Holy Spirit’s wisdom, power, and strategies. Through an unprecedented release of Heaven's angels on the earth to assist My heirs, I will activate breakthrough angels, government angels, angels of alignment, special forces angels, and seraphim.

In unseen ways, I have moved multiple divisions of angel armies into all nations and states where My Ekklesia is rooted. It is time for the unseen to be seen, for the surprise, and for the suddenlies to erupt. It's time for the volcanic hubs of My Ekklesia to erupt in great power and change Earth’s atmosphere. Yes, says the Lord, what has been boiling underground, internal fires deep within My people, will erupt. My Ekklesia will say, “There has been a Kingdom of God eruption. The river of God flows throughout the earth.” 

My glory has been churning and burning deep inside of My glorious Ekklesia. It will now erupt through My Kingdom’s Ekklesias like volcanoes, penetrating and changing the earth. As My fire and evident presence hover over them, validating the words of Messiah, their breaker, I will further build My Ekklesia, and hell's authority will not overcome them. Hell’s government will not prevail. For you have come to a fullness of time that I have planned, and the Lord of hosts decrees I will shift your nation back into covenant alignment. I will shift nations back into covenant alignment. You will see the revival fires of a new Pentecost worldwide, and the harvest of souls I’ve been planning.”

A Recurring Vision

Two weeks prior to this prophetic word, I began receiving a recurring vision in which I saw volcanoes erupting throughout the earth. I saw them in nations where the Ekklesia was functioning as the true church Jesus described in Matthew 16:18. The volcanoes in this vision were not dormant; they were alive, with ash spewing and lava flowing.

A volcanic eruption can actually alter the conditions of the earth. In this vision, though these volcanoes were spiritual, not natural, they affected the entire natural realm of the earth, changing its atmosphere.

As I prayed into this vision and asked Holy Spirit for clarity, I heard Him say these words, “These are volcano-like Ekklesia hubs; they will erupt in great power, changing cultural and governmental climates on earth in sudden and real ways. They will erupt in great demonstrations of Holy Spirit’s power. I will validate their decrees. I have planned for them to prevail mightily.”

I shared this vision on a Sunday morning, and the very next day, Mount Etna, a volcano in Italy, erupted. I knew it was a sign, a validation of what God was saying. Mount Etna erupted with a fury that hadn’t been seen in decades. Spectacular displays of ash billowed into the atmosphere that could actually be seen by orbiting satellites. Some of the glowing lava shot 3/4 mile into the air. I knew this was not a coincidence.(2)

We are in an incredibly holy, prophetic moment. I picture it as the day of Joshua’s address before crossing the Jordan into the promised land. He told a multitude of people, who had waited 40 years, that it was now time to move, to act—and they did. It’s time for us to align our words with God and declare them with our authority in Jesus’ name.

Let’s pray with Tim:

Heavenly Father, we thank You for what You have promised and are now bringing to pass. Holy Spirit, release Your explosive power on the earth. May visible signs of dunamis now be seen. We ask You for miracles, sudden miracles, breaking out around the world. Let there be sudden, notable breakthroughs. We declare that an end to longstanding battles is coming. Sudden victories, erupt! Signs, wonders, miracles, and healings, erupt! Lord, validate with dunamis wonders and signs in the the heavens.

We decree that reversals are coming in natural governments that promote evil. Evil laws, reverse! Lies promoted as truth, be reversed and exposed! We decree that God-reversals are activating. We declare that God-victories are happening everywhere. We declare that surprise attacks are coming against the enemies of God’s Kingdom. 

Lord, release an accelerated apostolic age across the nations. We align with You, King Jesus. We decree that the great harvest planned will be reaped, that new converts and prodigals will come! We declare that our God is mighty to save. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Our decree:  

We decree that there will now be a Kingdom eruption in Ekklesias around the world, and Holy Spirit’s power will bring great change. ‘Now, Be.’ 

Click on the link below to watch the full video.

Today’s post was contributed by my brother, Tim. You can learn more about him at


  1. James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 1411.


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